Statewide Analyses

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Weekly Trends

What is the trend of Unemployment Insurance (UI) claims?

The breakout of COVID-19 in the United States has led to severe labor market changes. The number of initial claims is one of the leading economic indicators that shows the emerging trend of the labor market. The number of continued claims indicates the number of insured unemployed workers filing for UI benefits. This section presents weekly UI claims filed in Ohio since January 2020 and how they vary by industry and by occupation.


What are the characteristics of people who filed Unemployment Insurance (UI) claims?

Some sub-groups of workers have experienced substantially higher job losses than others. This section shows how weekly UI claims vary by age group, gender, race, and unemployment reasons.


Which areas in Ohio have been impacted by the coronavirus recession the most?

Urban counties and their contiguous areas have the highest number of Unemployment Insurance claims. However, workers in the Northwest, Western, and some part of Central Ohio have the highest job loss per one thousand people. The high job loss rates persisted in some places for weeks.